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Image by Adam Winger


Are you tired of hearing, "your labs look normal!" but you're still experiencing unwanted symptoms? Our bodies are connected in mind, body and spirit. Functional wellness takes a look at the way the body is working and how systems are "talking" to each other. We don't treat any one specific condition or disease state but instead, support the entire body holistically and naturally. Instead of guessing what could be wrong, we start with testing and then develop a customized program just for you based on your symptoms, lifestyle and lab results.

Each of our functional wellness packages comes with personalized protocols, support, education, tools and private health coaching throughout your journey. You will never be alone and you will finally have answers to your question and solutions to help you feel better fast!



SuperFoods for PeriMenopause (2000 x 200

Are You Ready To Take Control of Your Hormone Health?

Whether you are just beginning your health and wellness journey and looking for a jumpstart OR you are looking for a more personalized package, LiveWell Holistic Health is on a mission to empower you tools, resources, education and support to be in the driver's seat of your health. Are you in your 40

s and beyond and sick and tired of experiencing:










I firmly believe we should all have the knowledge, tools and resources to take control of our hormone health and truly live life well. I've created two program options based on your personal goals. If you are looking to jumpstart your wellness journey and have hormone testing, check out the EMPOWERED HORMONE SOLUTIONS group coaching program. If you are looking for more customized, one on one care, scroll down to view the VIP Coaching options! 

- Weight gain or difficulty losing weight 

- Experiencing hormonal fluctuations?

- Hot flashes, mood swings, cravings, low libido

- Bloating, constipation, gas, indigestion

- Rashes, allergies, food sensitivities

We Have Solutions!

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This 6-Week Group Coaching program helps women in their 40's and beyond:



- Take control of their hormonal health

- Become their own health advocate

- Reduce their hormonal symptoms

- Learn lifestyle strategies to THRIVE in this season


Groups are limited to 10 Participants at a time!​


The Next Group Begins in April

Customized VIP Packages

Maybe you are interested in diving deeper than our group program or you want to focus on a specific area of your health and are looking for private, customized options! If you are tired of hearing all your labs look normal, let Katie be your personal health detective to uncover the hidden stressors in your system that are preventing you from making progress with your health goals. Normal isn't OPTIMAL. Let's not be "ok" with normal!


Our functional lab tests give us the clues we need to find the root cause of the metabolic chaos you are experiencing and help us correlate your specific symptoms to identify healing opportunities and develop a strategic path to rebalance your hormones, reset your immune system and live life well! 


We start with an extensive health questionnaire to understand where your struggles are. Functional lab test kits are shipped directly to your door to complete in the privacy of your own home. Say good-bye to the sleepless nights, hot flashes, period problems, low libido and fatigue and say "HELLO" to the old healthy, vibrant and whole YOU! You deserve to feel good. It's time to take control!


With VIP, clients receive private coaching support for SIX months as they work on their health and wellness  goals. If you are excited to get to the root of your health issues and learn how to naturally rebalance your hormones and transform your health and be in the driver's seat of your health...... VIP may be just what you're looking for!

It all starts with a 20 minute private Discovery Call to learn more! ?

Customized Packages Include:

  • 40 Minute Discovery Session (1)

  • 40 Minute Follow-Up Sessions (6)

  • 30 Minute Results and Recommendations Sessions (3)

  • Unlimited Direct In App Texting Support (daily for 6 months)

  • Functional Testing Based on Your Personal Assessment/Needs Could include:

    • Stress & Hormones Test (DUTCH Complete)​​

    • Gut Imbalances & Infection (GI Map)

    • Metabolic Typing Diet Assessment

    • LEAP Food Sensitivity Test

    • Detox and Oxidative Stress Test (Metabolic Wellness Panel)

    • Mucosal Barrier Assessment

    • Mycotoxin Assessment

    • Blook Chemistry

  • 15% off Supplements

  • Also Included: Access to our self paced Foundations to LiveWell Program with Meal Plan Suggestions, Recipes, in app food and lifestyle tracker and so much more!

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Programs and packages range from $2200-$4,000 with labs included. Payment Plans are Available.

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Book your discovery call, Select Your Package, Get Started!

Let's Get

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© 2023 LiveWell Holistic Health

Website Disclaimer

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® health coaches do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. Nothing I share with my clients is intended to substitute for the advice, treatment or diagnosis of a qualified licensed physician. (FDN) Practitioners and LiveWell Holistic Health will not make any medical diagnoses or claim, nor substitute for your personal physician’s care. It is the role of a FDN Practitioner to partner with their clients to provide ongoing support and accountability in an opt-in model of self-care and should be done under the supervision of a licensed physician. This places you as the client in the driver’s seat and in control of your own health by self testing, self treating and self healing!

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